I.Fill in the blanks:

1. Activities forwhich humans depend directly on nature known as______________.

Ans : Primaryactivity.

2. _________is anactivity in which people graze a large number of animals on natural pastures.

Ans : Herding

3. The mostprimitive form of Primary activity is __________ and_______.

Ans : Foodgathering and hunting.

4_________temperate forests are more extensively used for _________.

Ans : Lumbering

5. __________inoceans is usually a more complex activity.

Ans : Fishing

II.Choose the correct answer:

1. Jaravas areaborigines of ____________.

a) Andaman andNicobar         b) Africa          c) Canada

Ans : a) Andamanand Nicobar

2. Eskimos ofCanada are ___________.

a) Hunters                                b) Gatherers     c) Herders

Ans : a) Hunters

3. Abundant foodfor fishes are available near_____________.

a) Continentalshelf     b) Continental slope c) Trenches

Ans : a)Continental shelf

4. Two – thirds ofindustrial wood is obtained from___________.

a) Temperateforests                b) Tropical forests       c)Tundra

Ans : a) Temperateforests

5. Primary activitythat is practiced on a larger scale is_____________.

a) Gathering                 b) Hunting                   c) Mining

Ans : c) Mining

III.Match the following:

1. Bushman – a)Tropical forests

2. Japan – b)Africa

3. Teak – c)Fishing grounds

4. Coniferous – d)Animal food

5. Fodder – e) Softwood

Ans : 1 – B, 2 – C,3 – A, 4 – E, 5 – D

IV.Answers briefly:

1.Name the Primary activities.

Hunting, gathering,harding, lumbering, mining, fishing and agriculture are Primary activities.

2.What is herding?

i) Herding is aprimary activity in which people graze a large number of animals on naturalpastures.

ii) This involvesseasonal migration of the nomads and their flocks from one area to another insearch of fresh pastures.

3.Name some places and people involved in gathering activity.

i) Bushman ofAfrica

ii) Jaravas ofAndaman and Nicobar.

4.What is inland fishing?

i) Fishing done inrivers, lakes and coastal areas is called inland fishing.

ii) Inland Fishingis simple and a small scale.

5.Why are temperate forests used more extensively than tropical forests forlumbering?

i) In the temperateforest trees have soft wood.

ii) A large numberof coniferous trees of the same type are found together.


1.Discuss the fishing activity in the oceans.

i) Fishing in theOceans is more complex activity.

ii) Abundant foodfor the fish in the form of Plankton is available in the continental shelvesand shallow seas.

iii) Large shipscalled factory ships travel in the oceans for months at a time.

iv) They catch,process and tin the fish on the ship itself.

v) They use moderntechnology to track the fish. This has often resulted in overfishing in someparts of the world.

vi) Besidesfishing, whale and seal hunting and pearl collection are also carried out inthe oceans.

2.Write an essay on the types of Primary activities.

Gathering hunting,herding, fishing, lumbering and mining are Primary activities.


i) Gathering isPrimary activity in which people gather their requirements from nature.

ii) It includes thecollections of fruits and roots from forests and includes hunting also.


i) People huntanimals for their meat and skin.

ii) Hunting isstill prevalent among remote isolated groups of people.

iii) Pygmies ofAfrica and Amerindians of the Amazon basin and Eskimos of Canada go forhunting.


i) It is a Primaryactivity in which people graze a large number of animals on pastural lands.

ii) People migratefrom one place to another in search of fresh pastures.

iii) Now the natureof herding is different in different regions.

iv) The herders ofNorth America, South America and Australia more to large ranches where fodderis cultivated.


i) Fishing is goingon in rivers, lakes and coastal areas.

ii) In land fishingis simple and it is done in a small scale.

iii) Simple fishnets are used to catch fish.

Lumbering :

i) Lumbering is aPrimary activity that extracts woods from the forests.

ii) Timber is usedfor fuel, furniture making, paper and pulp industry.

Mining and agriculture:

i) Mining andagriculture are other primary activities.

ii) They involvemore human interaction and they are practiced on a large scale.


I.Fill in the blanks:-

1. Masai Herdsmenare the natives of ________________.

2. The world’slargest inland fishing lake is _______________.

3. Large ship that travel in the oceans for months at a time are called________________.

4. Hard wood treesare found in _________________ forests.

5. Mining is a______________ activity.

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