I.Choose the correct answer

1. The Velloremutiny took place in the year

a) 1806 b) 1807 c)1808

2. The Sepoys wereinfluenced by ____________

a) English officersb) Tipus family c) Robert cline

3. The Governor ofMadras presidency at the time of Vellore sepoy mutiny was_____________

a) William Bentinck b) Cornwallis c) Robert clive

II.Fill in the blanks:

1. The IndianSepoys refused to wear the ___________ which led to the Mutiny.

2. ___________ wasoutside the fort when the mutiny started.

3. The mutiny wassuppressed by _____________.

III.Match the following

1. Tipu’s son  a) Turban
2. Agnew  b) Mutineers
3. Sepoys  c) Bentinck
4. Governor of Madras  d) Fatch Hyder

IV.Answer the following

1.When and where did the Mutiny started?

Vellore in 1806

2.Why did the Sepoys of Vellore revolt?

i) The strictdiscipline, new weapons, new methods and changes in dress code introduced bythe British created resentment among the sepoys.

ii) Hindus wereProhibited from wearing ornaments like earnings and caste marks on theirforehead.

3.What was the immediate cause for the revolt?

i) General Agnew introduceda new turban called Agnew Turban.

ii) The Turbanresembled the European hat.

iii) It boredifferent colours affixed by a bodge with the symbol of the cross on it.

4.Mention the results of the revolt?

i) Many Indiansoldiers were arrested and imprisonment.

ii) Tipu’s familywas taken to Calcutta. They were kept in Prison for more than six years.

iii) The mutinyrevealed the Patriotic and revengeful attitude of the Indians towards theBritish.

5.Why was it called Vellore Mutiny?

The mutiny was calledled by the sepoy of Vellore Mutiny Fort. So it was called the Vellore Mutiny.

6.Mention some of the names of rebel leaders?

Pulithevan,Kattabomman and Marudhu brothers.


1.What were the causes for Vellore Mutiny?

i) The mutineerswere influenced by the family of Tipu Sultan. They were confined to the Vellorefort after the death of Tipu Sultan.

ii) The recruitmentof a large number of Indians in the army created suspicion in the minds of theIndian people.

iii) Most of theSepoys were from the Palayams after the death of their great leaders likePulithavan, Kattabomman and Marudhu Pandiyar. It left deep scar in the heartsof the rebels.

iv) The sepoys wereform both Tamil and Kanada speaking regions and they exchanged betel leaf inorder to find themselves together for the attainment of a common goat.

v) The strictdiscipline, new weapons new methods and changes in dress code introduced by theBritish created a resentment among the sepoys.

vi) Hindus wereprohibited from wearing oranaments like earring and caste marks on theirforehead.

Vii) Those sepoyswho refused to wear the Turban were punished by 500-900 lashes and they werealso terminated form the service.

2.Trace the course of the mutiny. Why did the mutiny fail?

Courseof the mutiny

i) The mutiny wasinstigated by the sons of Tipu Sultan.

ii) They secretlyplanned the revolt.

iii) On july 9th1806, Tipu’s daughter’s wedding celebrations were going on inside the fort.

iv) The Sepoysgathered there to attend the function.

v) They proclaimedhis son Hyder as the king.

Causesof the failure of the mutiny

i) There was noproper leadership

ii) The revolt wasnot well organized

iii) The sepoyscould not get support and supplies on time from the native rules.

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