IChoose the correct answer:

1. The Headquartersof the UNO is at___________ .

a) Washington b)Hague c) New York

2. The _________iscalled the Parliament of Mankind.

a) TrusteeshipCouncil b) General Assembly c) Economic and Social Council

3. One of theofficial languages of the UNO is________

a) Hindi b) German c)French

4. There arepermanent members in the Security Council.

a) 4 b)5 c )1 0

5. The programmelaunched by the has successfully eradicated small pox.


IIFill in the blanks:

1. The term UnitedNations was coined by Franklin Roosevelt.

2. The UN Charterwas signed by 56 countries on 26th June 1945.

3. The executivebranch of the UNO is security council.

4. All the TrustTerritories have attained self-government by the year 1994

5. TheInternational Court of Justice is located at Hague in Holland.

IIIMatch the following:

1. UN conference –San Francisco

2. UNO – 24 Oct1945

3. Ban ki moon – UNsecretary general

4. UN head quarters– New York

5. UNHCR –resettles refugees

IVAnswer the following questions briefly.

1. Describe theemblem of the UNO.

The emblem is a mapof the World as seen from the North Pole with five concentric circles.

It is surrounded bya wreath of olive branches which symbolizes peace.

The World mapdepicts the United Nations area of concern in achieving its main purpose namelypeace and security.

2.Which are the official languages of the UNO?

The officiallanguages of the UN are English, French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese and Arabic.

3.Mention any two objectives of the UNO

v Tosolve the disputes among the member countries through peaceful means.

v Tomaintain international peace and security.

v Todevelop friendly relations among nations.

v Toco- operate in solving international, economic, social, cultural orhumanitarian Problems.

v Topromote social progress, better living standards and human rights.

4. Who are thepermanent members of the Security Council?

v TheSecurity Council is composed of fifteen members – five permanent members andten non permanent members.

v Thepermanent members are Russian Federation, France, USA, UK and China.

5.What is the role of the International Court of Justice?

v TheInternational Court of Justice is also known as the World Court.

v TheInternational Court solves the disputes between the countries concerned.

v TheCourt also gives advisory opinion to the United Nations and its specializedagencies.

v Itis situated in the city of Hague in Holland.

VAnswer in detail.

1.Write a note on the millennium development goals of the UNO.

UNOMillennium Development Goals

v TheUNO formulated the following goals for the present millennium.

· Toeradicate extreme poverty and hunger.

· Toachieve universal primary education.

· Topromote gender equality and empower women.

· Toreduce child mortality

· Toimprove maternal health.

· Tofight against HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases.

· Toensure environment sustainability.

· Todevelop a global partnership for development.

2.Whatare the main organs of the UNO? Explain the functions of the Security Council.

Organsof UNO

The six principleorgans are the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and SocialCouncil, the International Court of Justice, the Trusteeship Council and theSecretariat.

TheSecurity Council

v TheSecurity Council is the second important organ of the UNO. It acts as theexecutive branch of the UNO.

v TheSecurity Council is composed of fifteen members – five permanent members and tenNon Permanent members.

v Thepermanent members are Russian Federation, France, USA, UK and China.

v Thenon-permanent members are elected by the General Assembly for a term of 2years.

v TheSecurity Council meets every month and a new President is elected.

v TheCouncil needs a 2/3 majority to take decisions. The permanent members have the vetopower.

v (Powerto say No to a decision.)

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