1. The UNO was established in 1945

2. The UN charter was signed at SanFrancisco

3. UN’s main deliberative body is TheGeneral Assembly

4. The Seat of International Court ofJustice is at The Hague

5. The United Nations celebrated its50th Anniversary in 1995

II. Matchthe following:

1. New York  Head Quarters of UNO
2. Veto  Negative vote
3. Present Secretary General of UNO Antonio Guderres (from 13th Oct, 2016)
4. NTBT  1963
5. CTBT  1996

III.Answer the following in brief

1. What are the main objectives of theUNO?

The mainobjectives of the UNO

  • Tomaintain international peace and security.
  • To developfriendly relations among nations.
  • To settleinternational disputes by peaceful means.
  • To be aCentre for helping nations to achieve these goals.

2. Write a brief note on SecurityCouncil.

Note onSecurity Council

  • TheCouncil has five Permanent members- The USA, the UK, France, Russian and Chinaand ten non-permanent members.
  • ThePermanent members have the right to veto (Negative vote).
  • Its mainresponsibility is to maintain international Peace and Security.

3. Mention any two major achievementsof the UNO.

Two majorachievements of the UNO

  • The UNOhas solved many international disputes through peaceful negotiations.
  • It settleddisputes between Israel and Palestine, and withdrawal of Soviet troops fromAfghanistan.
  • It hassigned many Nuclear Test ban treaties like NTBT in 1963 and CTBT (ComprehensiveTest Ban Treaty) in 1996.

4. Describe the 50th AnniversaryCelebration of the UNO.

The 50thAnniversary Celebration of the UNO

  • In 1995the United Nations celebrated its 50th Anniversary.
  • The themewas “We The People of the United Nations United for a Better World”.
  • InNovember 1995 the UN flag was carried into outer space to salute United Nationswork.

5. Mention some of the specializedagencies of the UNO.



[a] Namethe major organs of the UNO.

The General Assembly, the SecurityCouncil, the Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship Council, theInternational Court of Justice, the Secretariat.

[b] Whowas elected as the President of the UN General Assembly in 1953?

Mrs. Vijayalakshmi Pandit was electedas the President of the General Assembly in 1953.

[c] Whatis the function of the Trusteeship Council?

The Trusteeship Council looks aftercertain Territories placed under the Trusteeship of the UNO.

[d] How isthe Secretary General of the UNO appointed?

The Secretary General is the ChiefAdministrative Officer of the UNO. He is appointed by the General Assembly onthe advice of the Security Council for a period of five years.


[a] Namethe treaties signed by the UNO.

Nuclear Test Ban Treaties (NTBT) in1963 and Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) in 1996.

[b] Wherewas the UN Conference on Environment and Development held?

In the UN Conference on Environmentand Development held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992.

[c] Whatwas adopted by all the countries?

“Agenda 21”.

[d] Howdid UNO tackle Suez Canal crisis?

The UNO played a vital role in theSuez Canal Crisis of 1956, it made France, Britain, and Israel to withdrawtroops from Egypt.


1. Explain the functions of the organsof the UNO.

TheGeneral Assembly:-

  • It isdeliberative body. It has the right to discuss on all matters.
  • Itconsists of representatives of all member countries and five members with onevote.

The SecurityCouncil:-

  • TheCouncil has five Permanent members-The USA, the UK, France and the RussianFederation and China and ten non-permanent members.
  • ThePermanent members have the right to veto (Negative vote).
  • Its mainresponsibility is to maintain international Peace and Security.

TheEconomic and Social Council:-

  • Itconsists of 54 members.
  • ItCo-ordinates the economic and social work of the United Nations and thespeacialized Agencies.

TheTrusteeship Council:-

  • TheTrusteeship Council looks after certain Territories placed under theTrusteeship of the UNO.

InternationalCourt of Justice:-

  • It islocated at The Hague. It consists of 15 Judges,
  • It acts asan advisory body for the General Assembly, Security Council and other organs ofthe UNO.

The Secretariat:-

  • The UNSecretariat carries out the day to day works of the organization.
  • TheSecretary General is appointed by the General Assembly on the advice of theSecurity Council for a period of vie years.
  • Thepresent Secretary General is Mr. Antonio Guderres (from 13th Oct,2016) former Prime Minister of Portugal.

3. What are the major achievements ofthe UNO?

The majorachievements of the UNO

  • UNO hasrendered a great service in establishing peace and security by solving variousproblems.
  • The UNOhas solved international disputes through peaceful negotiations.
  • It settleddisputes between Israel and Palestine, and withdrawal of Soviet troops fromAfghanistan.
  • It hassigned many Nuclear Test Ban treaties like NTBT in 1963 and CTBT (ComprehensiveTest Ban Treaty) in 1996.
  • UNIFEM andINSTRAW to improve the quality of life for women.
  • The UNOplayed a vital role in the Suez Canal crisis of 1956.
  • The UNOalso settled the Korean War and Vietnam War.
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