1. Through the 42 amendmentenumerates the fundamental duties of the citizen.

2. The fundamental rightsare classified under six heads.

3. India is a secular state.

4. Article 30 ofthe constitution grants rights to minorities to establish educationinstitutions.

5. Article 19 of ourconstitution guarantees six freedom to all citizen

IIAnswer in brief

1. Write a short note on fundamental Rights?

A constitutionallyguaranteed fundamental rights becomes indispensable for keeping the democraticspirit of the state.

2. What is the freedom of religion?

Indian constitutionobserves an attitude of neutrality and impartiality towards all religion.

3. What is known as directive principles?

The constitution of Indiannot only defines the rights and duties of citizens, but also provides certaindirectives to the government so that the people are assured of a progressivewelfare state. These

directives are known asthe ‘Directive Principles’.

4. Write a note on ‘writ’.

‘Writ’ means an ordergiven by the court.

Answerin brief:

1) Explain the Fundamentals Duties.

•Torespect the constitution National Flag or National anthem.

•Todefend the country

•Toprotect the sovereignty , unity and integrity of india.

•Topromote the spirit of common brotherhood amongst people of india.

•Topreserve the rich heritage of our composite culture.

•Tosafeguard public property.

•Toprotect and improve the natural environment.

•Todevelop the scientific temper and spirit of enquiry.

2 .Describe the Directive principles of state policy?

•The constitution of India not only defines the rights and duties of citizens but also provides certain directives to the government so that the people are assured of a progressive welfare state.

Directivein nature of ideals.

•Secure social, economicand political justice.

Directivesshaping the policy.

•Secure uniform civilcode.

•Provide free andcompulsory primary education.

•Non justifiable rights ofcitizen right of both sexes to equal pay for equal work

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