Local self Government

I.Choose the correct answer

1. Local selfGovernment was introduced by__________

Lord Ripon

2. UnionChairperson is elected by__________

Ward Members

II.Fillin the Blanks:

1. The term ofoffice for the Mayor is _______

Five years

2. Every districthas a _________


III.Answer the following:

1. Why is localself – government necessary?

India is a largecountry vast country with a large population therefore the Central and State

Government alonecannot provide the necessary requirements and solve the problems.

2. What are theduties of the Village Council? How many times in a year and when does the

Village Councilmeet?


There is a VillageCouncil in the every Village.

Those who residewithin the limits of the Panchayat are its members.

The villagedevelopment programmes and annual budget plans can be implemented only after

the beneficiariesof the programmes get approval from the Village Council.

The Village Councilmeets four times a year:

v January26th – Republic day

v May1st – Labour day

v August15th – Independence day

v October– Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday

3. List out thefour important functions of the Village Council.

The functions ofthe Village Panchayat:

v Layingvillage roads

v Drinkingwater supply

v Layingdrainage system

v Maintainingstreet lights

v Constructionof small bridges

v Maintainingvillage libraries.

4. How does theVillage Council get its revenue?


v Housetax, professional tax, tax from shops.

v Feefor drinking water connection and water tax.

v Ashare of the land revenue.

5. How is thePanchayat Union formed?

Panchayat Union:

v ThePanchyat union consists of several village panchayats.

v Throughelections they elect the panchayat union members in the ratio of 1:5000.

v Amongthem one will be selected as the Panchayat Union Chairperson.

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